Monday, November 20, 2006

Aim at ...?

I've heard it said time and over that if you aim at the sky, if you don't get there, you'll at least land among the galaxies. How true that is. I also thought, what if you're not aiming at all? Where might you land? Not aiming? Possible destination?

Many times, we walk around without a definite direction or aim of where we're going and what we're doing or even living for. This is most tragic especially where the 'focusless' person is the man of the house. I imagine someone who claims he's heading a whole household, a whole destiny and he doesn't know where he's headed.

Sit down. Talk with yourself. Talk to yourself. Scold where necessary and commend where you have to. Redefine your focus. I imagine if individuals in the Nigerian state sat down and really had a gist with themselves, what the nation would turn out to be. Dare to aim Aim high. Aim REAL high.

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